Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe: Sweden
Based just outside of Gothenburg in the quaint town of Mölnlycke, Sweden, Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe AB (MLE AB) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe (MLE BV), based in the Netherlands. MLE is, in turn, owned by the global Mitsubishi Logisnext (ML) Group, one of the world’s leading logistic solution providers.
Our manufacturing plant is located in a water protection area, which requires heightened environmental consideration, meaning that societal demands are put on the company. We meet these demands by a good margin.
At MLE AB, we independently develop, manufacture and distribute industrial trucks that boast high performance, functional ergonomics and intelligent automation, all whilst keeping sustainability at the forefront of our research and development.

Opportunities & Careers
At MLE AB, there are plenty of opportunities for all types of professionals who want to combine their expertise in the field of technology.
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Local History of Operation
With roots dating back as far as 1942, our current operations align with global megatrends of connectivity, e-commerce, digitalisation, robotics, automation and electrification. We’ve grown considerably in our 7+ decades of operation and we’re now a world-renowned manufacturer of material handling solutions.
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